19 Jun

IP² Network Hub

Based on more than 20 years of global experience, in Europe, USA and Brazil, IP² Investment Partners has established and is continuously growing a global network of executives, operating partners, industry experts (the “IP² Network Hub”) — a connected web of individuals with extensive domain expertise, operating experience and unique and proprietary insights into select industry sectors and companies. Our Network acts as a vital ecosystem of up to date knowledge and a powerful engine for idea generation, competitive insights, due diligence capabilities and operating expertise for ideation and successful investment theses, as well as to maximize our clients’ specific divestment objectives and goals.

Even if we have detailed industry knowledge on specific industries, thanks to the IP² Network Hub, we remain open to other industries because we set up each process individually and, in fact, we enjoy the diversity, flexibility and challenge that working in a variety of industries offers. To support a wide range of clients, we collaborate with C-level executives around the world who have deep subject matter expertise and access to an exponential network of powerful industry leaders and relationships. We focus on understanding and meeting the expectations of our clients and those of potential buyers. We like to wear the buyer’s hat and poke and probe your business without bias.

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